Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Late posting after a busy but happy day.
Katy came to visit this morning, without children which was a treat. It was lovely to have grown up conversation without interruptions.
This afternoon I went to pick up Josie from nursery, she is here overnight for the next two nights, which I find rather daunting. I think today will be fine but tomorrow when I pick her up from nursery for a second day running she may be a bit put out, and fair enough, she's not yet two, anyway, fingers crossed.
Tonight went well, sausage and mash for tea which she wiped out - except for a couple of yucky bits of onion which she carefully fished out!
Bathtime next then two stories then sound asleep, what a sweetie.
Eilidh and her dad went to Killin today to climb Meall Nan Tarmachan then camp overnight! Think they are in for a wet night, not good camping weather.
I'll sleep well too I think.

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