
It was a good idea to buy the raincoat I got in Kirkwall in May….I’ve had plenty of use out of it this summer!
Up and did my exercise then a bit of fringe programme exploration ready for the weans coming this weekend. Enjoying my malt loaf that I made at the weekend…
Walked over the Meadows to meet CR….the circus tents didn’t look very joyful in the persistent mizzle but hopefully things will cheer up once the actual performances start (although the weather forecast looks stubbornly similar for the next week or so at least).
We talked for 2 hours covering lots of ground (as usual!) and as well as our reviewing and ‘work’ chat we also firmed up a few plans for Festival meet-ups.
Home and did commenting on some drafts and had lunch then nearly time to set off again to walk down to Charlotte Sq to meet JT. Mix up over time meant I had to hang around a bit but all went well in the end and he also gave me some Fringe recommendations which I’ll follow up. Had to walk pretty fast to get home and drive over to the Fort to help A do some holiday shopping for going to Turkey next week. There were virtually no bikinis to be had though but she managed to get a couple of dresses for evening things and some other bits. Felt like I hadn’t seen her for ages so we had a good chat as she shopped.
Home for a quick stir fry noodle supper and an early night…14,000 steps today so I was feeling a bit weary!

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