Work in progress.

Another scorcher. Amazing how a bit of sunshine makes everyone so cheerful.Maybe the Scottish Government should change the Independence Referendum from September 2014 to June to ensure general cheerfulness in the populace ??

Exciting news. I bought a new camera today! Although I can't pick it up until tomorrow. It's taken Months to decided - and I ended up in Curry's although I had to endure a young bloke trying to sell me a new phone contract in order to save £100 off the camera price. I got fed up after a while (he was starting on the hard sell - 'Can I phone you in a few days to discuss again?') . He wanted me to double my current contract (which is more than sufficient as it is).

I'll probably get a phonecall anyway.

Managed to negotiate a free memory card (£59) and a bag. I'm a canny shopper !

Here's No 3's homework. Percy's house (work in progress).

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