Fried Fish

Best seen 'small' :))
'Dinner' using my 'proper' camera in extras :)

We had woodland church this morning, where we all met around a camp fire under the shelter of a canopy suspended high above our heads, so we were protected from the drizzle. The children were tasked with cutting out bread fish to fry (and share) and making more fish from paper, leaves and twigs, etc, so that they could be part of an impromptu re-enactment of a bible story involving fishermen and their nets. I'll leave you to work out which bible story it was :)

In the evening, I went to the cinema to watch the latest 'Mission Impossible' film with my middle son. It was great to be able to enjoy some him and me time. The film was good, too :)

Ponies in my b&w journal

Thanks very much for everything for yesterday!


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