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2018: I now have a second journal where I post exclusively in b&w - AH14inbw
And then there's My Third.
Feb 2016
I know I ought to update my profile - maybe when I've thanked everyone for the deluge of comments, stars and hearts for my 500th blip! I've blip Read more...
2018: I now have a second journal where I post exclusively in b&w - AH14inbw
And then there's My Third.
Feb 2016
I know I ought to update my profile - maybe when I've thanked everyone for the deluge of comments, stars and hearts for my 500th blip! I've blipped lots of images, since those mentioned below, that I like even more, including Mist Above the Flood Waters (most starred blip to date) and Early Morning Rays (which was my most hearted blip, until I had my 500 blipday!)
Update June 2015
The below is still true, although, thankfully, I am beginning to rely less on fully auto mode! I'm loving my time here on blip and have learned a great deal over the past few months, as well as having made many wonderful blipfriends! I thought it was maybe time to give some updated links to just a few of my favourite blips....
This unusual sunrise was probably my first really popular blip
Shadow of a Man with the Shard in the background is a personal favourite, as are mm70: Sharp and Out of the Mists.
Mm63: Water was a one off opportunity shot for Mono Monday
Sunrise in the Costa del Sol - reminds me of holidays.....
6:06 am Misty Dawn has been my most popular ever
I guess I'd better stop there, as you'll only want to look at so many links....
Enjoy browsing! :))
December 2014
Well, having been enjoying the world of blip for one month now, I thought it was maybe time to write a bit about myself.
I am a (very) keen amateur photographer and spend much of my spare time taking photos. In fact, my camera is rarely far from my hands. I am constantly struck by the beauty in the world around me and love trying to capture it both for my own pleasure and also for others to enjoy. I live in a very lovely part of the south of England, so I have lots of local beauty to practise on!
I have recently bought my second DSLR, a Nikon D5300 (to replace my D60 bought nearly 6 years ago), but confess that 'auto' is still my best friend. I am determined to break away from what has become a convenient habit. My technical knowledge is very limited, having only been on a one day photography course - very good and informative but, for me at least, it was information overload. I'm hoping that in joining blip, I will be challenged to develop new skills and be inspired by the beautiful photos that others post. I'm wanting to improve, so constructive criticism is very welcome!
Today, I was thrilled that one of my photos hit the Spotlight for the first time - Mandarin Duck
My personal favourites so far have been this one,
this one and this one!