July 29

Hot and humid in Bridgewater today, but if you were close to the water (ocean) it wasn't as bad. Fortunately the daylily grower that I visited and spent 1.5 hours at his place is close to the water. When I was there earlier in the season he said he wasn't going to be doing any more hybridizing. But when I arrived there today he was out collecting pollen so he can move it to other blooms so they will produce seeds. He does get some great crosses, as shown in these photos. I bought a couple more of his seedling clumps today, ones that he is not going to register. He also tagged several more for me to pick up in September.
After I left there I drove along the marsh side of Crescent Beach and spotted several shore birds feeding on the mud flats. One of them was a black bellied plover, the first time I have seen one.
I stopped to pick up a couple of Japanese maples too and I could have stayed there for a couple of hours too, chatting with the owner. But I was getting tired and I knew it was going to be after 5 by the time I got home. I still wanted to get the truck unloaded tonight, that took a half hour. The neighbor asked me if I was planning to start a garden center in the driveway, lol.

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