Another missed opportunity

As I opened the fridge this morning this pot of yoghurt fell from 5 feet or so and splashed on the floor.

The effect was dramatic. Yoghurt up my legs (I had yet to shower fortunately); all over the floor and a pair of shoes; and it had even splattered across to cupboards on the other side of the kitchen.

The effect was like the first stages of a Jackson Pollock.

So, did I get my camera out and photograph it? No. I went straight into clean up mode and only as I was wiping away the final vestiges did I think, “ I should have photographed that”.

I was not going to repeat the experience. So a missed opportunity and a much more boring daily photo! After 10 years of daily photography you think I’d react differently.

Art featured in other ways later in the day but I may leave that for another time.

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