Cuteness (after yesterday's mayhem!)

I'm just a sweet pup,
I might bark, chew socks and beds..
but look at my eyes!

The bed from yesterday is all mended so all is forgiven!!  He's a poppet really.  Ben had a day with his PAs today, so that was nice.  They went to the science museum and for a walk and a bus ride.  He ate his lunch on the bus, which he was delighted to tell me... simple pleasures!  I was busy pottering and got quite a lot done whilst he was out as well as squeezing in a late lunch with Mr KCNQ2Haiku before Ben arrived home.  Leo had a pretty chilled day apart from one big walk where he bothered a few less giddy dogs, particularly Alfie the Beagle, who was under instruction from the vet to lose a bit of weight so Leo ran him around a bit until Alfie demonstrated enough was enough!
Seabass for tea.. so all is well :-)

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