I Wonder ...

... where they are all jetting off to?

Should have waited a nano second to get the bird in property, but in all honesty, I couldn't see it (or the plane for that matter) on my phone screen!

Wish I was jetting off somewhere on holiday! But, need to finish all this painting first! Mist coat done in the office today, while the floorers have been laying the patio base. Took them all day, and it looked like very hard work. But the forecast rain didn't arrive, so that was good.

Popped into Tesco, we're living off microwave meals at the moment. It's easy, and there is little washing up. Never in my life have I eaten so many ready prepared meals.

Added a late extra. Our girls on holiday in Norfolk, they have just sent me this picture. If only I'd waited for my blip pic!

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