Frida Kahlo

Today is the Minx's birthday!

Which, to be frank, has been a minor stress when it comes to birthday presents. When we travelled here at the start of the month, I'd yet to give much thought to what I might get her, and it was probably only as we were driving through France that I thought "Bugger!"

Still, a couple of trips into town, one on my own and one with Hannah, resulted in a nice little collection of gifts, this morning, including a Frida Kahlo bag and scarf from the Friday market.

We pretty much had the day off and we'd fancied driving up into the hills, following the river, so that's what we did, this morning, ending up in Breil-sur-Roya. We had a little look around the backstreets, where we found a little café, which served us an excellent lunch.

Later on in the day, we took the train from Ventimiglia out to Sanremo to visit the Frida Kahlo exhibition that we'd seen advertised there. (The Minx is a big fan, so this was a perfect birthday treat, and a very happy coincidence that the exhibition was on.)

The exhibition was really interesting, showing very little of Kahlo's actual work - and I don't think there were any original pieces - but rather focussing on the artist herself. There were loads and loads of photographs, plus a good narrative, which we always like.

And after that, we had a walk around Sanremo, stopping for a drink in a café, and then took the train back to Ventimiglia, where we had an excellent pizza at Vesuvio 2.

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