River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Wildlife in the Garden

Day started off sunny and dry.
Thought I’d start an “inventory” of the wildlife in our garden, saw a little group of 5 baby bluetits first thing, when I was eating my breakfast the group had grown to a dozen or more - eating insects in the hawthorn and twisted hazel and splashing in the little saucers of water along the wall :-)

Insects: hummingbird hawk moth, assorted bumblebees.

Butterflies: large white, red admiral.

Birds: Dunnock, blackbirds, bluetits, robin, collared dove.

Last time I drove my car noticed I was running low on fuel so first stop this morning was at the garage, diesel is now around £1.40 per litre. Drove on to Benllech, stopping at the Anglesey New Potatoes stall to buy 2 kilo of potatoes at £2.50 per kilo for washed potatoes.

In Benllech I stopped at the charity shop to drop off 3 large boxes of books then did a quick shop at Tesco. It was starting to rain as I drove home just before midday - it’s still raining at 10pm …

Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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