Who am I ?

I am going for Willow warbler this time although it’s so hard to tell the difference with the Chiffchaff being very similar. There are a few subtle differences including paler legs, more yellow colouring and sometimes orange to the bottom of the bill.
Mike had several phone calls in the morning which went on longer than expected. After they were finished we went to Inverness. Got some filled rolls, bread and a pizza from The Three Little Bakers. Next stop B&Q to get a piece of wood, toilet rolls and a sponge ( how exciting ! ) .Mike picked up the weed control fabric.
Went over to David’s to drop off some paper work he needed.
Mike then went into Black Isle renewables to discuss what we would like regarding the air Source heat pump and radiators etc. He was gone about an hour.Luckily I had the radio to listen to.
Rather grey and dark all day with heavy showers again.A bit brighter in the evening.

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