Viennese afternoon

My day is not done, but I thought I may as well pass the time writing this.

Left Budapest on the morning train to Vienna, along with all the other F1 fans who refused to pay the ridiculous price for direct flights. Odd train, the type with the little carriages for 6 people. Ended up with 3 men- on serial F1 race attender and 2 from Northern Ireland. And a poor girl of about 20 who stood up and left after about an hour, the chat was quite boring. I quite enjoyed the F1 chat, especially race recommendations- Singapore no 1 apparently but don’t discount Monza. Then they got onto cars specifically, they all liked their cars a lot. I tuned out a bit at this point but did contribute I had a mini. What type they asked nicely. Orange said I, to fulfil all their correct stereotypes about me.

Anyway, all quite entertaining. And hot. Arrived Vienna, caught up with my travelling chums to say goodbye. Then I had 6 hours to my flight so I navigated the luggage lockers at the station to dump my bag and then a whole new metro. I did wonder why anyone actually bought a metro ticket as it seemed just a free for all to walk through. But I did obvs for fear of being thrown in Viennese prison. Went to the Hofburg Palace for a bit of a wander round. All very lovely but incredibly hot. Stopped for refreshments where it turned out when I came to pay that my large bottle of water had cost 7.5 Euro. Slightly stunned, and still hot ( a constant theme) I sought to immediately start clawing back my investments and said I didn’t think I would give a tip due to the water price. Back to the metro where I saved myself another 2.40 Euro by not buying a ticket. I am sure if I had been stopped and had explained the daylight robbery water situation I would have been waved apologetically on my way. Anyway, I wasn’t stopped.

Back at the station, reclaimed my bag, had to wait a bit for next train so sought a far cheaper iced thing from Starbucks where the lady on the till showed far more awareness on how to spell my name than colleagues I have had for two years. Got to airport, dumped bag again after a slightly worrying moment where the check in lady couldn’t find any record of me. Still v hot. Ditched all thoughts of anything else and treated myself to the calm, cool free stuff and comfy chairs of the airport lounge where I got loads in discounts to get in. Was lovely though, still the F1 fans still in evidence!

Flight now delayed but not by too much, should get home by midnight, fingers crossed. Am starting to feel less hot and am planning a big sleep on the plane.

And the overall summary of my trip, before I am all grumpy and tired in the morning going to work. I have bloody loved it all, have had an amazing time all round. My thoughts on holidays in amoungst the extras as it made me laugh.

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