A poppet

R collected us before lunch and took us over to the Ark, Ashbourne Animal Welfare, who were holding an open day. It was amazingly busy with lots of visitors. There was a good collection of stalls and income generating areas, with super things to purchase, it was very tempting but as I’ve just spent months decluttering I wasn’t going to buy more to take home. I bought some Christmas cards and a couple of small gifts. They will be passed on to new homes. 

It was sad to see the animals, but they are being well cared for and this poppet was so appealing. I would have loved to bring him home with us, but Amber is not a cat lover and so he would not been safe. We are looking into sponsorship to do our bit for the organisation, they do a great job.

Home for a rest and a few jobs, before heading round to R & S for a barbecue. They have a friend of S’s visiting from Sweden and had invited some neighbours round. It’s amazing to think that they have only lived there for 6 months and have made acquaintances so quickly. It managed to stay dry for the early part of the evening, whilst we enjoyed good food and company. By the time we drove home at 9pm it was torrential rain and water streaming across the roads. 

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