Oh my word, that's interesting
A one photo day. So this is it. After clearing up the boat and ferrying half used food either to the bin or to home, I had the opportunity to crew for PD, the Commodore. Out I went. In my shorts. Unfortunately, the weather began changing, and pretty quickly changing at that. The wind it did get up. The dreich came in.
Just as we were about to cast off the race launch came back alongside us and announced the race was aff. Abandoned. Apparently the sea state outside the harbour was such that the launch was in danger of being swamped. It wouldn’t have helped that the two “race officers” probably weighed in at around 40 stone, mind.
Anyway, much catching up to do at home anyway. There have been by-elections. Is there a greenlash? Ulez, anyone? And new albums by Blur and PJ which both sound excellent. And film releases - Oppenheimer and Barbie head to head! I better getting filling that diary.
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