twinned with trumpton


After the late night coming in from the game I really needed a low glucose alert at 0641. FML. At least Alex managed to get himself back to sleep for another hour; I brewed tea and set about collating all the Cigs shots ever. 2 months down, another 3 years to go.....

It was a slow day; some laundry, some cooking, some shopping, some sleeping, TdF (obv).

We'd noticed that Embra City were at home to Kelty Hertz at Meadowbank so I suggested to Tom that we might attend - he still needs the ground for the 42 Scottish League grounds and I fancied a look at two of our rivals in this year's League 1. 

However come the time to head off, Tom went 'naaaaah' so Alex and I set off on the bikes.

We managed to sneak around the side of the caged astro pitches and push past some thistles and a rown but were soon in position on the waste ground on the Marionville Road side, sitting on a frankly roasting bit of concrete from - presumably the Commonwealth Games in 1970? 1986? 

We didn't have to wait long for action. Edinburgh negotiated a path through Lelty;s back line and in the 4th minute edged ahead. 7 minutes in they were 2 up. In the 21st minute Edinburgh secured the victory with a third. 

Or did they? Kelty nicked what looked like a consolation goal; then in the 42nd minute an Edinburgh corner was clear to Damolola who drove out from the edge of his own penalty area; won a 50-50 on the half way line and sprinted in on goal, sliding the ball past the Embra keeper. 3 minutes later he scrambled the ball home for a barely creditable half time score of 3-3.

Kelty then went ahead in 52 minutes and shortly after stuck a huge slab of icing on the cake when they scored with a shot from their own half! 

Thereafter the game subsided (there was no way they'd keep up that pace!) and as dusk ebbed in, we took the bikes homeward, nabbing a trolley photo on the way home and no more wiser about our chances against either of these sides when we meet in the league (Stirling open with a home game v Edinburgh at the start of August; hopefully their defensive frailties won't have been sorted out by then, but I assume Fontaine will be back as well as Love Island 'star' Ousy See. 

Selfie in the lift on the way back home from the game

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