Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Summer market

I was down at the village market early to get the fish and mussels. There are twice as many stalls now as a few weeks ago as the summer season is very much upon us. I had to get back quickly for a meeting but did not leave the market without first having three separate conversations with people I bumped into. That is always the way at the village market. The meeting did not take too long. We have a volunteer who has agreed to be secretary of the Painting Association, which is very kind of him as he does not paint! However, he is very good with IT and administration so he can make all the necessary changes to the committee and to our statutes and the report them online to the Prefecture. Mrs TT bought a plant in a pot to take as a gift to our friends tomorrow but dropped it when she got home so I went down to the supermarket in the afternoon to get another one.

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