Football and Books

So why Football and Books? I love Books. I don’t see a lot of point to Football. But at the moment they are linked in my world.

Well, it is Silly Saturday and this is going to appear quite silly to some people, but if you are interested read on.

I follow a few readers on YouTube - people who read a lot of books, review them and encourage discussion about them. Four of these have set up a Women’s Football World Cup Challenge. The idea is that anyone who expresses an interest is given (randomly) one of the countries taking part in the Cup and they then try to read a book by an author from that country. If their ‘team’ is knocked out, then they try to read a book by an author from the winning country. And so it goes on. Of course, if someone has the winning team from the beginning, then they need only read one book, but if one keeps getting losing teams . . . you get the picture. 

Of course this is all for fun and everyone might do it in a different way. The best thing is the discussion that is going on all the time on Discord - people talking about the books they are reading, recommending books etc. 

I was given Argentina. I read Elena Knows by Argentinian author Claudia Piñeiro last year and loved it. So I decided to try another of her books. I was warned by others that she usually writes crime/thriller type books - right out of my comfort zone - but I went ahead and found and read A Crack in the Wall and really enjoyed it. Argentina play Italy on Monday. Although I know little about the actual football, I understand that it might be a good idea to have an Italian book to hand!! So I have. 

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