
By BanksiaMan

Leaning Pines

I blipped these two leaning trees earlier this year. At that time I called them the 'dancing pines' and said they were Norfolk Island Pines. Now I'm not so sure about that name - they might be Cook Pines. There are many trees around the coast of Australia that look like NI Pine (Auracaria heretrophylla), but it seems that some of them are in fact Cook Pine (Auracaria columnaris). The confusion exists in the USA (report from Florida) as well as Australia (report about planting at Manly Beach in Sydney). 

It is said that Cook Pine has a tendency to develop a leaning trunk, and that the lean is towards the equator regardless of the hemisphere where it grows. I suspect there are exceptions to the rule (assuming the trees I've blipped today are Cook Pines). These two are leaning in opposite directions, despite growing alongside each other. 

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