pussies galore

"everyone has a special person and, maybe, your special person is 17 cats"

this seems to hold true for me - only problem is that I'm allergic to cats and would rather not have any at all. So, anyone want a kitten? They are free, come and get them. The lady cats also need to be rounded up (even the wild ones) and be neutered. And then we need to wait for nature to take it's course in reducing our cat population.

I was sent information about an interesting project today and I thought some of you lot might be interested too:
Launching of a Small Photography Project
with Street Kids

On the 8th of June, a small project will be launched in Tbilisi by a group of European volunteers in partnership with Life Chance, a Georgian organization working with street children. The idea is simple - 25 disposable cameras will be distributed to street kids from various groups, and returned two days later to the volunteers, who will develop the pictures. The street kids will then work in collaboration with the team of volunteers to organize a small exhibition, which will be re-telling the story of Tbilisi through the eyes of a street kid.

The project aims to encourage dialogue between people: "Who are you" "who am I to you" "how are we the same" "how are we different". The volunteers felt that too often dialogues with marginalized sections of society depend on reports, statistics, institutions, etc... They wish to overcome this by directly giving to the street kids an opportunity to express themselves to the wider society.

The project will allow the street kids to develop their self-esteem and confidence, to work as a team towards a common goal and to be creative as well as reflexive whilst having fun. Furthermore, the volunteers hope that this will be an opportunity for the wider society to see Tbilisi through a new angle and to engage with the multiplicity of narratives and stories that build a city.

For the project to truly encourage dialogue and to succeed in putting these street children at the centre of the stage, it is important to spread the word!

To find out more
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