back in the kitchen

I'm making chnöpfli for tea today because everyone loves them.

I spent some time today thinking (I try to do that every day) and I was thinking about priorities and how we go about finding out what we have to do and and where we could or should stop.
Firstly, there are those who are dependent on us - children, partners, old folks, dogs, plants - and they need taking care of. But, in order to take care of them, we need to take care of ourselves. A lot of us also have the task of "earning money" as a part of taking care of our dependents. So, how do you fit all that together? At this point, it's probably a good idea to look at your job contract. Is there really a clause in there that says you have sold your soul to your employer? Does it really say that you should put your job before your health, your happiness and the well-being of your family? No? Then why are you doing it? I'm not saying that we should be bad employees, on the contrary, I think we should be good ones. But just remember - you are replaceable - if you hand in your notice tomorrow, they'll get someone else in to do your job. Where you are not replaceable is in your role as wife, husband, father, child, lover, friend, carer......because there it's YOU who is wanted and needed. That makes the priorities pretty clear to me.
Take a look at what you believe you really believe that there is someone waiting at the end of your life with a gold star for all the hard work you did? If you don't believe in an after life or reincarnation, you can scrap that rubbish right away and start living as if NOW is the only time you have. Because it is.
And what can you do with now? Well, you can smile, you can laugh, you can love, you can see beauty, you can breathe and think about the amazing thing that the human body is, you can concentrate on what you are supposed to be doing and enjoy your task in life, you can watch and learn, write an email to someone you know will write a nice email back, you can make someone a coffee, put your feet up and tell yourself something you want to hear.....the possibilities are absolutely endless. Just don't bother with thinking about back then or what will happen next. Take a break from the hamster wheel and live a bit.....

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