Another day in Africa

Today we visited Africa... or at least a place Ann's nephew Jack calls Africa because its always dry.

Near "Africa" there are lots of horse jumps. I don't like horses, I always snap at them when they walk past, but luckily there weren't any there today. I had lots of fun leaping over the jumps for treats from Sue. Even though I was very good at the jumps, Alfie can jump much higher that me as he is still a young "whipper snapper".

It was very thirsty work and we got very muddy drinking out of puddles. Sue was not impressed. She made me go in a freezing cold bath to clean myself.

Sue and the rest of the family are also fed up with me constantly whining and trying to get to the rabbit. They keep leaving the door open an d I escape but the rabbit is always in its run where I can't eat it. I'm sure I'll get it one day!

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