Excellent walk

Weather forecast for today was good to we made some sandwiches and a flask of coffee and headed off along the river.
Woodpeckers in the trees by the river, didn’t get a decent shot.
The walk we did crossed a field that someone uses for golf practice, it’s a slope and anyone at the bottom cannot see walkers at the top so a bell is used. Hubby really enjoys following the instructions, one ring at start and two when off the field.
Crossing the field I noticed Alpaca in next field and two of them noticed us and came running to the fence, Hetty was not amused.
There was a diversion on the footpath but I don’t think it has been used much as we were walking through long grass and nettles for some of it.
Only around six miles but a couple of steep hills and wonderful views.
Also managed to get a few jobs done and an hours reading.
Forecasted rain not arrived yet.

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