Considering Dust

I really don’t know what got me started, but I was seized with the need to dust today. It is not something I do lightly or often, but once started, it becomes an exercise in deep cleaning, tidying, doing long neglected little fixes and generalized stock-taking.

It might have something to do with being confined to quarters because of a combination of hot weather and taking care of Spike. Now that Spike has been released from his cone as long as someone is around to keep an eye on him, my other eye has been freed to turn to the question of dust, spiderwebs dog hair and the like. Sun shining through flying dust motes and revealing a thick layer on the furniture also added motivation.

Anyway, I found myself stymied by a thick layer of dust at the bottom of the open rack which holds our dinner plates, something I have only just noticed but which seems far from hygienic! There are other cracks and crevices which harbor dust and the odd dead fly which I ignore until suddenly I can’t stand it anymore.

Further layers of dust were revealed on my craft table which I was clearing in readiness for a session of drawing, painting, whatever evolves as my neighbor and I get together for the first time since before Covid and fires disrupted everything. Janet’s house and studio next door burned down but she is now resettled in her lovely new house and ready to help me get started again. I confess I was a beginner then, and have done practically nothing since, so I’m hoping to gain a bit of inspiration and break out of the rut that has developed out of the disruption.

But first, I have to figure out how to get the dust out of my plate rack….

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