campervan man

By campervan

Not very exciting but very important

This is sugar beet, an important part of the crop rotation in the local fields. It is harvested in the middle of winter and sent to  processing factories in the area. When they are working the factories make a terrible stink but on the up side they only work a couple of months a year. I have no idea what they do with them the rest of the year.
Sugar Beet machinery looks like it has been built by some mad inventor, with conveyor belt and cutters and shaking floors and slides that send them tumbling onto the holding areas, usually just the field edge or concrete pads, before they are loaded into the lorries to be taken to the factories
We have a lorry company in the village that is meant to be the biggest sugar beet transport firm in the country. Their lorries are huge and, at harvest time, block the little winding lanes where the beets are held. If they are collected from the fields the lanes are covered in mud from the lorries wheels. Not a complaint, its just the way it is. 
Prior to mechanisation, in the late seventies, beet harvest was a very labour intensive job. An old boy near us told stories of whole families being involved, some digging them up, others trimming them and others stacking them, and it took days to complete. Now a couple of guys could clear several field in a day. No wonder there are so few jobs in country areas now.

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