Rose bud

It was a morning spent at church, with us staying for the Spanish Branch so Kent could play the organ for them.

We had a good FaceTime chat with the grandkids when we got home and then I went for a nap.

I was woken from my nap by a phone call letting me know a neighbour had been in a car accident. We made a call and they requested we come help them.

We spent the evening at the sight of the accident. All involved we okay but the vehicles were totaled. Ugh. We have a good friend who owns a tow truck and we called him to come get our neighbour’s car. We had our neighbour go home and we stayed until the car was towed.

Needless to say, when we got home we were hot, sweaty and worked up. Long showers were required and then relaxation while we washed & dried our clothes.

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