Not good manners

This seed dish should be on the wall not parked in the rose bush. The wagtail eats nicely from it, but the magpie is a bit more gung-ho and has pushed it off.

Amber has has a play day at the kennels today. When we turned into the lane on arrival she got very excited, even though she has only been for a visit with us to see the place, never stayed. 

We had a busy day sorting out some boxes that had stuff to be donated to the charity shop. With Amber out of the way we could spread things out in the kitchen whilst we did the job.

I had a phone call from the physio and she was able to do an assessment of my knee injury. She has emailed me hamstring exercises, pictures and verbal instructions. I did them this evening and have reported back on the app. 

Amber got an excellent report for the day. She has charmed the lady owner and will be welcomed back which is good news for us. 

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