Oops I hope that he hasn’t got a puncture

The best of intentions. We headed out with Amber and a list of errands this morning. The aim was to give her a chance to see about town and socialise. We went to the tip to drop off the bags that I filled yesterday, then on to the vets to pick up her new supply of worm and flea tablets. She recognised the car park at the vets, she has been there once before and was on best behaviour, so rewarded with a treat from the receptionist. 

We headed on to Pets at Home and B & Q, a couple of successful visits. But ……the heavens then opened, two hours earlier than forecast. We didn’t have waterproofs with us and the next port of call was the town centre car park and shops on foot. We abandoned those plans and headed home. I’m into town tomorrow so will get those things done. Amber will have to wait for her next trip out.

The rain eased by 5pm, so we had our walk. I noticed a new vehicle in a development area. It looks as though it was delivering a new tyre for the yellow vehicle. 

I’m watching a programme on Channel 5 about the great flood of ‘53. I remember that night clearly although I was only seven. We lived in Carlisle in those days and my great grandmother in Scotland was very ill. My mother and I got the train late that evening intending to travel to Elgin, but got stuck at Aviemore station when we changed trains. The weather was horrendous, I remember hanging on to a post to save being blown away, I was terrified. Trains and buses were cancelled so we had a long wet and hungry wait. It was the following afternoon before we got to Lossiemouth. Fortunately Granny Goodall, was still alive and we got to see her. 

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