White passion flower

Only a few days ago I was admiring a neighbour's passion flower and wondering why the same plant that I bought at least five years ago had never bloomed. As if in response, this has appeared! I am impressed, even if my flower is less spectacular than the one that featured as my blip last Tuesday.

It's Monday so I spent much of the morning at (or en route to/from) the gym. This afternoon I caught up on admin, including sorting out joint online accounts for my sisters and I to manage some of Mummy hazelh's affairs. Then I weeded around our bay tree while learning about spies and then communism (episodes 37 and 38 of The rest is history).

Quizzy Monday is back tonight. We are excited. In addition, the plumber fixed the leak in our bathroom so we can take a bath before bedtime once more - hurrah!

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; swimming (60 lengths); walking  (11,673 steps).

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