Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Scentless Mayweed

Tripleurospermum inodorum

Today I wanted this for my blip particularly because of the scribble of drying grasses behind those daisy heads.  My walk was short after yesterday and a dry one, though the rain bucketed down not long after I'd got on the bus to come home.

Many thanks to ApolloFly for hosting WFW this month.

I've also had a long session on the phone trying (and so far failing) to re-arrange my eye appointment, while K has had similar frustrations with her bank.  When I went into town to buy flowers for the friend I'm visiting tomorrow I also bought us a pack of choc chip cookies to share as a consolation prize.  Oh dear, slippery slope, what a good way to put the weight on! ;))

Enjoy the rest of your day/evening  xx

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