Didn't sleep well.  Just couldn't settle.  I was awake for long periods and came downstairs and just pottered then back to bed to try and sleep. Up and down all night. Finally settled around 11am and slept for a few hours.

I took my blip shot at around 8am when I was downstairs in the kitchen.  The flower is in a vase on the windowsill.  As I was looking out of the window I was pleased to see a little grey squirrel scampering around - he jumped into the lilac tree and ran along the fence.  Then he was off onto the allotments.

I didn't have much energy so I've had a quiet day.  I did manage to do a couple of things which were on the " to do list".  I sorted out some clothes to go in a charity bag and I put together some shelving which arrived a couple of days ago.

I wanted a shoe rack so I looked online.  What was on offer seemed expensive and didn't seem to hold many shoes.  I just wanted something cheap and cheerful.  So in the end I bought some greenhouse shelving.  I got two units for the price I would have paid for one shoe rack.  I put one unit together today and filled it with shoes.  I think I will make the other one tomorrow and put it in the garage .... I will need to clear a space for it first though.

The weather today has been very rainy.  And we had thunder too.  I felt sorry for all the runners doing the two Ultra North events today --- including Neil.  There was a 25km race and a 55km race.  Neil did the longer one.  The start time was 8.20am. The start was at Derwenthaugh Park on the Derwent Walk and took in the Tyne Bridge, Millennium Bridge, Wylam, the Tyne Valley, Chopwell Woods and back to Derwenthaugh. Neil finished the route in 5hrs and 51 mins.,  He was pleased as his aim was to do it in under 6hrs. 

Steps today - 6,014

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