Very fun

It was a much drier day than I expected, having looked at the forecast, so it was good to be able to take advantage of that in order to take a walk around the Quilts in the afternoon once I'd finished my various meetings and finalised the footnotes in a paper I'm trying to get submitted. This is one of the largest bits of fungi I've ever seen. I would say it was about 40 cms across.

Later on, we headed off the Shandwick Beach for me to bob around in some fairly lively water with some of the gang, and to plot a swim in Loch Migdale for tomorrow. We picked up fish and chips on the way home, and managed to get home just before it started raining, which it then carried on doing pretty much all night.

Meanwhile, my other gang back in Edinburgh were meeting to drown their sorrows and mark the end of the very trying graduation period.

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