Make my eyes turn Misty Blue

Today is the anniversary of my Hysterectomy

According to this weeks age I was exceptionally young to undergo such a procedure

In reality I was still very young to Undergo it; and that was highlighted to me today by one of my colleagues saying it was her wedding anniversary

My anniversary was further away

In the time I had my hysterectomy she has met and married her husband and had two children both now at secondary school

I don’t regret it. It didn’t fix me completely but it made life a lot more bearable

Today in the office, mortified by the stains in my carpet; I miss my mouth frequently with coffee; I trip every time I have a cup on my hand … I pour water on the floor on a regular basis; I ripped three carpet tiles up from under my sofa and placed them where the worst stains were.

That merely highlighted another three tiles which were almost as bad.

I found some samples which I discovered after placing them, that they weren’t anywhere near the right colour.

Which is why i have six carpet tiles drying out in Cosmo Cottage now. I figured scrubbing them might be a better option

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