Amethyst and Emerald

I’m really not looking for insect life today; it’s simply a between-the-showers ‘dash’ out into the garden to get a shot for Flower Friday. I say ‘dash’, but in reality it’s a slow limp around the patio. I’m really feeling so much better in terms of drug reaction; my body’s clearly now accepting the daily onslaught with relatively few complaints, and I’m so grateful. It’s just my catheter that’s now the problem …..

In the brief period of sunshine, flowers glisten, weighed down by raindrops. I’m focusing on the purple of this year’s sweet peas, when suddenly I spot a flash of emerald amidst the amethyst; more  beautiful as a distant jewel than in its rather grotesque detail, but fascinating all the same (better large if you have time!!) 

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