Small tortoise shell

Mike went to David’s while I was at the Pool and then took me back to David’s while he went to the dentist to have a tooth out.
Mike did not feel too bad afterwards so we went to Loch Kinellan and sat on the bench enjoying the sunshine and the peace and quiet. A water rail ran across the edge of the water but too quick for a photo.Several young ducks on the water including a little grebe and coot. The swallows and swifts were diving , touching the water service to catch flies.
We went for a short walk as the sky looked threatening. A huge black cloud in the distance coming our way.
The knapweed is out and covered in all sorts of beasties. Spotted a few ringlet butterflies, a red admiral and this beautiful tortoiseshell.
The rain started after we got back to the car so we stayed nice and dry. A beautiful double rainbow ended the day :)

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