Ventimiglia Alta

Today's drive south from Chalon-sur-Saône to the coast was far more scenic; lots of hills and, later, mountains, until we ended up reaching the sea and turned east, passing Nice and Monaco before entering Italy.

Ventimiglia Alta, which is where we're living for the next few weeks, is just over the border. It overlooks a flat-bottomed valley containing a river and a long looping road network. On the far side is the new town. My Blip is of the town square.

Once we'd found somewhere to park, we unloaded the car, which took a few trips, and then took the elevator* down to the beach (see Extra) for a quick look around before we found a little restaurant for dinner.

In other news, today: Abi texted us to say she received a first for her exams!

*More about this in s subsequent post!

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