
We had a nice trip through the Channel Tunnel, this morning, not least as we were entertained on the way across (under?) by one of the chaps who works on the train. He showed us his photos of various aspects of the tunnel and explained how it all works. I love an enthusiastic nerd :-)

And after that, we spent the afternoon in the car, driving down through France. It was a bit too flat to be described as scenic but it was very pleasant, punctuated by stops at services and toll booths.

Our original plan had been to stay overnight in Dijon, but with the recent rioting, the Minx altered our arrangements to stay in Chalon-sur-Saône, which worked out very happily.

The hotel was a lovely old place (see my Extra for a hint of that), and we found a nice restaurant where we could sit outside for dinner. The owner didn't speak much English, but between our 'O' level French and a couple of the other customers, we got by. Everyone was very friendly.

And after that, we carried on wandering around the town, ending up on the square in today's Blip, where we enjoyed a glass or two of wine.

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