New Teacher Mollie

I'm so proud of Mollie. I don't think I properly shared the news that in September, Mollie will be starting her career as a year 3 teacher at a popular local primary school. She had the interview just 2 and a half weeks after her operation, and wasn't very mobile. Yet managed to prepare and teach a 30 minute lesson with 1 days notice, completed a long interview with the Head and 2 governors, and kept her nerve even though she was extremely nervous. Today she was in school for the moving up day, where she got to know the children and officially became 'Miss Gibbs'. I just know she is going to be a fab teacher. Thanks to those who have inspired and supported her along the way. She first did her work experience with Helen, a teacher/guiding friend of mine in Linton. Who knew her chosen work experience would eventually become her chosen career!

Last night I went into the loft to find old photos. Although I was looking for a few specific ones (took ages to locate them) I couldn't help looking through many others. It seems only a short while since Mollie was a smiley year 3 pupil herself!

Work was as it always is. I was glad to finish by 4.30.

Looking forward to catching up with some of our oldest friends tomorrow, and reminiscing about our teenage years...hence the loft photos. We have raincoats packed, and are prepared for stormy weather!

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