
I walked to Wetherby this morning to get a few bits from the supermarket - a steady 4.5 miles there and then I got the bus home with my shopping.

I had a chance to grab a couple of macro shots in the garden before the rain arrived…two different sorts of bees on the blackberry flowers, the main one of the bumble and a honeybee in the first extra.

It was fairly gloomy so I used my flash to light them..using a new (to me) type of diffuser. In the second extra you can see it in ‘action’ - although this is not the actual lens I used for the shot. I attached my big silver reflector to the flashgun, and the new diffuser screen (white fabric) fits around the lens barrel and is between the light and the subject. It folds up flat into a tiny circular bag.

I like how it has produced a nice even light on the bees..

I need to play about with the camera settings - I probably don’t need such as high shutter speed as the flash should freeze any movement - and similarly I could maybe use a lower ISO…

Watch this space, as they say :-)

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