
By StillLearning

So that is why they are called homing pigeons ...

Bit of a domestic drama today.

It was a hot day so there were doors and windows open. A pigeon, cool as you like, decided to tootle in and have a look around. It waddled down the hall, decided that an ariel view was called for and flew up above the door to look around. It seemed very much at home.

Ellen and I had a conference and decided that there were certain disadvantages to having a resident pigeon in the house. Particularly related to its personal hygiene. As if to confirm our view, Coorie the dog made her feelings known directly to the pigeon. At that point it left its perch and flew into the downstairs toilet.

It made itself comfortable on one of Ellen's wooden ornaments that has something to do with shoes. It stayed there until we took a photograph.

Ellen and I discussed who would be best to capture it and show it the door. Ellen won that argument so I approached the pigeon. It had figured out what was going on so decided to leave of its own accord via the bedroom. It did try to leave through a closed window and I was impressed how sturdy both the glass and the pigeon were. I took that as a sign and opened the window.

The pigeon left. Presumably for home.

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