89 F/32 C

I'm not up to much
of a jaunt this morning so
I stayed close to home


I was awake about 5 but didn't feel much enthusiasm for photos. Our valleys have smoke again and the sky is grey. Finally, at 7:30, I left the house with a promise to myself that I would not be on my feet much at all. 

I got a shot on my deck before I left. When I drove past the east end of the airport, I stopped for a another photo of my mountains behind Brocklehurst. My last stop was Vantage Point, near the airport. I found a fellow fishing off the end of the float plane dock. He looked very relaxed. 

I zoomed home with my drive-thru breakfast and coffee. I am in for the day with my cranky feet up in my recliner. 

*** I used an app called Paper Artist on my cell phone. This effect is For Real. 

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