Wild Wednesday ...

... blooms, butterflies and bunnies.

After spending some time this morning going through all the Tiny Tuesday entries I stepped outside to photograph the wildlife ... and whatever else I saw.

As I sat waiting for the chipmunks I pointed my camera toward some nearby sunflowers.  It wasn't until later that I noticed the ant silhouettes!  How cool.  

Later on in the afternoon I was on the deck when the beautiful female monarch butterfly came by to deposit more eggs for us to watch over.  We currently have three small monarch caterpillars and seven eggs in our nursery.  As always ... when we release the butterflies we will do so in memory of a lost loved one.  If you have recently lost ... or even not so recently ... a love one and would like me to release one in their memory please let me know.   You can simply leave a comment below. 

I've added to the Extras a photo I took the other day of what appears to be a juvenile male ruby-throated hummingbird.  In the spring Richard had planted some bee balm in the back yard in the hopes of drawing the hummingbirds.  It seems to be working.  And, of course, the bees like them, too.  

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