Tiny Tuesday ...

... a face only a mother could love! 

Not really!  I love this little fledgling, too!  Please have a look full screen to appreciate. 

I had something altogether different planned for today.  In fact, I had already taken the macro shots of the object.  But shortly after supper R came to tell me that there was a tiny fledge outside under one of our evergreen trees.  

Camera in hand I went out to investigate and found this cutie.  I know that it's a Northern cardinal fledgling but I'm not sure if it's male or female not ever seeing a cardinal fledgling before today.  I suspect she's a female.  But I could be wrong.  In any case she/he was incredibly tiny ... not even having the tail feathers yet. 

Don't forget to tag your Tiny Tuesday entries TT424 for today.  I will be reviewing all the entries in the next couple of days ... and will award hearts and honorable mentions on Thursday or Friday.  

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