Reaching out

I actually get out for some photography today, though there’s little walking in involved; just  slow and awkward exits from the car, a few steps, then back again, but at least it’s progress after the last few days! 

We’re blessed to have some glorious views accessible by road, and today my main’s a return to Llandudno’s pier, stretching out straight into the sea towards the distant wind farm’s turbines and the pink-tinged cumulous that hug the horizon. It’s becoming a favourite view for me - and it comes as no surprise to find it listed second in The Times’ list of Britain’s most charming seaside piers. 

We continue round The Orme where I manage a few more shots before the sun slips behind a heavy bank of cloud; it seems an age since there have been any decent sunsets. 

I’ve included one cloudscape as an extra. 

Thanks to Bobsblips for hosting, and thanks both for your kind response to yesterday’s garden hoverfly and for your continued good wishes. 

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