
Another random blip from me today. This is a doorway in Dundee City Centre which I've always liked the metalwork on, so thought i'd share it on blip.

Busy day today, but feels like I've done nothing. Attended first BBQ of the year today at kids Scout Camp, to pick them up and have the final meeting about their florida trip. They have now raised their target plus over £600 extra which is great news. Only 36 sleeps until they go. Was good sitting in the sun finding out about it, then having a break and something to eat, then finishing the rest of the meeting. Wish meetings at work could be like that ;)

Did a bit more shopping (returned some stuff from yesterday, picked up replacements), bought dinner, went and saw grandad to check he's ok, then cooked dinner, then hospital to see Granny. Now posting this then continuing on my search for a hotel in Miami to stay in when we are there. Reading back it looks like quite a bit done today but still feels like nothing.

Oh, and now have sunburn to deal with...


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