Planko's Pics

By planko

Racists & trouble makers

Kids were away to Scout camp today, so Mrs P and I headed to Edinburgh for some shopping for our holiday in a few weeks time. Whilst Mrs P was in Bravissimo I popped down to the parliament to take some photos only to find the roads all closed and two opposite sides demonstrating down there.

Went the long way round, parked the car and headed out with the camera (in a bag) to take some shots of it. By the time I crossed the road it was pretty much all over and I ended up walking through the racists/sdl/far right/union jack wrapped knuckledraggers wearing rangers tops as they scarpered. It's a real shame that I saw a lot of the extremists wearing Help for Heros t-shits. It's a good, worthy charity which will inevitably be tainted by those idiots.

Got to the parliament and there were a few still there, with the anti-fascists shouting at them. Then two were spotted walking down the road and the anti-facists ran after them, police manoeuvring to keep them separate and film the whole thing, shouting something like "if it weren't for the police, you'd be dead" after the two guys. Thats as bad as the facists. It fizzled out and I headed back to the car, snapping this and a couple of other shots on the way back. Then as I headed up the high street it had kicked off again, the police keeping two sides of the road separate, at least one guy handcuffed and cops streaming up and down the street from where they had been positioned.

Managed to get through and pick up Mrs P then off to Ocean Terminal for some more shopping, out to Ikea to pick up some stuff, then to South Queensferry looking for something to eat. First place was closed, second full, so thought about fish & chips, but the people running the italian place basically ignored us waiting there to place an order, so we walked out and headed to F&B's instead. Had a nice date with Mrs P, lovely steak, then home to see the *smoking* dresses, shoes and other things she bought today. My wife is looking really hot :)


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