Going home

We started with a nice extensive breakfast in the hotel, still buzzing from the concert.
After we checked out we went into Maastricht center again, and bumped into Richard G.
He and his girlfriend turned out to be in Limburg this weekend as well. They stayed in a cabin in Berg en Terblijt, and didn’t have Rieu on the agenda.
We strolled on after a chat with them and had a drink and the inevitable “Limburgse vlaai”.

Bad weather, with code orange/red is predicted later today, so we decided to go home before the thunderstorm would break loose.
We left Maastricht around 12:30 and arrived home in Delfzijl just before 16:00 hours.

Here also the weather is changing for the worse, although we didn’t have that stormy conditions that were predicted.

And so ends a fantastic weekend filled with músic!

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