André Rieu in concert

We're back on the Vrijthof in Maastricht!
This time together with Joke and Peter.

And what a fantastic day and evening we've had.
After a 3.5 hours smooth drive we arrived around 12.30 in Maastricht.
We strolled through the (hot) city for a while, had a glimpse of the stage on the Vrijthof and then enjoyed a nice and delicious lunch in one the many restaurants along side the Vrijthof. I just love the Burgundian atmosphere in this city. After lunch we visited a beautiful bookstore, situated in an ancient Dominican cathedral and by the time we came out it was time to check into our hotel.
All that went smooth as well and by 16:45 we were having our buffet dinner in the hotel. Delicious.

At 19:10 we got into the shuttle bus to the town centre again, where we arrived around 19:30. Man, it's still so hot! A perfect summer evening is awaiting.

We had some fun while we were waiting for the concert to start, had a belgian waffle and a drink.
At 21:00 sharp the concert started and went on and on and on until after midnight. What an impressive show it was. we had perfect seats, almost front. Section A2, row 14. Super!!
Although I've seen several shows already, it keeps amazing me all over again. The atmosphere, the professionality, the whole thing is so well organized and the fun they have on stage infects the whole 12.000-strong audience.

During the break I posted a quick Instagram story which was even re-posted by one of the main singers. Thanks Micaëla!

After the show we went into the shuttle again, and had a final drink at the hotel.

What a pity it's all over now. But, we've decided to do it all again next year!
It's my job to get tickets again once the sale starts.
But for now: good night!

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