
My friend M is in Twyford for a week as although OH has been wfh for the last six weeks since her surgery, he now needs to return to work.  She sent me a picture of a church and said she would go in and pray for No.1

We went to London to meet with a consultant for a second opinion. We had lunch first and tried to pretend it was a normal occasion rather than the apprehension of the appointment.   He met us at his private practice and it was ‘chalk and cheese’ from NHS with no waiting and beautiful surroundings.  I really liked the consultant and he was positive and upbeat and felt surgery was possible which corroborated what we heard yesterday.  We got the train home and bumped into S at the station which was a 1/1000 probability- good to see him and chat.

Home to discuss options and for No,1 and JC to talk about his planned holiday - voices slightly raised so I  hope they can resolve it.

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