Fort Louisburg

Well yesterday the weather was as forecast - damp,  but we had a really interesting day. We went about 40km out to the coast to an historic site, it's an historic site that has largely been rebuilt  of the French Fort that was originally here having been burnt to the ground by the British army..  Everyone was in full costume and there were lots of reenactments which in the past l have found a bit tacky but these were really well done.  The photo shows a rifle man giving a demo, we also watched the cannon being fired rather noisily.  All the while it drizzled and was misty which all added to the general atmosphere.   

My extra shows an event from last year and every bit as destructive as the battles between the English and French over the fort.  In September last year a category 2 hurricane named Fiona hit Nova Scotia, the worst recorded hurricane  in this part of the world.   As well as wind damage there was massive flooding with homes and cars being washed into the sea, as one person said to me "the landscape has changed forever" 

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